My Aliases
My basic aliases, these are still under construction.
/a { if ($1 == $null) { /scon -a if ($status == connected) /away } if ($1 != $null) { /scon -a if ($status == connected) && ($network != Efnet) && ($network != Dalnet) /.away Global away message for $totalserver $+ / $+ $scon(0) networks: $1- /msg $!me !commands /scon -a if ($status == connected) && ($network == Efnet) && ($network != Dalnet) /.away Global away $totalserver $+ / $+ $scon(0) networks: $1- /msg $!me !commands /scon -a if ($status == connected) && ($network != Efnet) && ($network == Dalnet) /.away Global away message for $totalserver $+ / $+ $scon(0) networks: $1- Speak in English. /msg $!me !commands /set %away $1- } } /b { if ($1 != $null) { if ($active != Status Window) && (!$query($active)) { if ($1 ison $active) { if ($2 == $null) { /ban -u765 $active $$1 2 } if ($2 != $null) { /ban -u765 $active $$1 $2 } } if ($1 !ison $active) { /mode $active +bbbbbbbbbbbb $1- inc %b | /.timerunban $+ %b 1 765 /mode $chan -b $1 } } if ($active == Status Window) { /mode $$1 +b } if ($query($active)) { if ($1 == $active) { var %b = 1 while ($comchan($$1,%b).op) { /mode $ifmatch +b $$1 /ban $ifmatch $1 4 inc %b } } } } if ($1 == $null) { if ($active != Status Window) && (!$query($active)) { /mode $active +b } if ($active == Status Window) { var %b = 1, %calculate while ($ibl($chan(%b),0)) { %calculate = $calc(%calculate + $ifmatch) inc %b } /echo -s There are a total of %calculate bans in all your channels on this network. | ;dec %b } if ($query($active)) { var %b = 1 while ($comchan($$1,%b).op) { /ban $ifmatch $active 4 inc %b } } } } /c /clear My /d alias is for channel mode d, /disconnect, "delete" private messages, and /disable. /d { if ($1 == $null) { if ($chan) { if (d !isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active +d } if (d isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active -d } } if ($active == Status Window) { /disconnect | /disconnect } if ($query($active)) { if ($exists($window($active).logfile)) && (!$exists(C:\mIRC\Junk\ $+ $mkfn($window($active)) $+ . $+ $network $+ . $+ log)) { /rename $window($active).logfile C:\mIRC\Junk\ $+ $mkfn($window($active)) $+ . $+ $network $+ . $+ log | /remove $window($active).logfile | /close -m $active | /halt } if ($exists($window($active).logfile)) && ($exists(C:\mIRC\Junk\ $+ $mkfn($window($active)) $+ . $+ $network $+ . $+ log)) { /copy -a $window($active).logfile C:\mIRC\Junk\ $+ $mkfn($window($active)) $+ . $+ $network $+ . $+ log | /remove $window($active).logfile | /close -m $active | /halt } } } if ($1 != $null) { /disable $1 } } /e { if ($1 != $null) { if ($left($1,1) == #) { /enable $$1 } } if ($1 != $null) { if ($left($1,1) != #) { /mode $active +e $$1 } } } /f { var %temp = $+(sendkeys,$ticks) .comopen %temp WScript.Shell .comclose %temp $com(%temp, SendKeys, 3, *bstr, % $+ f) } /g /groups $1- /h { if ($1 == $null) { /hop $active } if ($1 != $null) { if ($1 !ishop $active) { /mode $active +hhhhhhhhhhhh $1- } if ($1 ishop $active) { /mode $active -hhhhhhhhhhhh $1- } } } My /i alias is for channel mode i, /invite, "info," and "ignore." "Info" is for /ChanServ or /NickServ info. As I have an IRC philosophy against /ignore, "ignore" just closes the private message window.. /i { if ($chan) { if ($me isop $active) { if ($1 == $null) { if (i !isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active +i } if (i isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active -i } } if ($1 != $null) && ($chr(42) isin $1) { /mode $active +I $1 } if ($1 != $null) && ($chr(42) !isin $1) { /invite $$1 $active } } if ($me !isop $active) { /chanserv invite $active $me } } if ($query($active)) { /close -m $active } if ($active == Status Window) { if ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { /chanserv info $1 } if ($left($1,1) != $chr(35)) { /nickserv info $1 } } } /j { if ($1 == $null) { /join $active } if ($1 != $null) && ($chr(58) !isin $1) { /join #$$1 } if ($1 != $null) && ($chr(58) isin $1) && ($chr(35) !isin $1) { /mode $active +j $1 } } /k { if ($chan) && ($1 != $null) { if ($2- == $null) { /kick $active $1 $1 } if ($2- != $null) { /kick $active $1 $2- } } if ($query($active)) { var %k = 1 while ($comchan($active,%k).op) { if ($1 == $null) { /kick $ifmatch $active $active } if ($1 != $null) { /kick $ifmatch $active $1- } inc %k } } } /l { if ($active == Status Window) && ($1 == $null) { /list } if ($chan) { if ($me isop $active) && ($1 == $null) { if (L !isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active +L } if (L isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active -L } } if ($me isop $active) && ($1 != $null) { /mode $active +l $1 } } } /m { if ($chan) { if ($1 == $null) { if (m !isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active +m } if (m isincs $chan($active).mode) { /mode $active -m } } if ($1 != $null) { /mode $active $$1 $2- } } if (!$chan) { /mode $1- } } My /n alias is for /nick, /notice, and /names. /n { if ($2 == $null) { /nick $$1 } if ($2 != $null) { /notice $$1 $2- } if ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { /names $$1 } } /o { if ($chan) { if (($1 == $null) && ($me !isop $active)) { /chanserv : $+ op # $me } if (($1 == $null) && ($me isop $active)) { /chanserv : $+ deop # $me } if (($1 != $null) && ($me isop $active)) { if ($1 !isop $active) { /.raw mode $active + $+ $str(o,$numtok($1-,32)) $1- } if ($1 isop $active) { /.raw mode $active - $+ $str(o,$numtok($1-,32)) $1- } } if (($1 != $null) && ($me !isop $active)) { if ($1 !isop $active) { /chanserv : $+ op # $1- } if ($1 isop $active) { /chanserv : $+ deop # $1- } } } if ($active == Status Window) { var %temp = $+(sendkeys,$ticks) .comopen %temp WScript.Shell .comclose %temp $com(%temp, SendKeys, 3, *bstr, % $+ o) } } /p { var %temp = $+(sendkeys,$ticks) .comopen %temp WScript.Shell .comclose %temp $com(%temp, SendKeys, 3, *bstr, % $+ p) } /q { if (!$query($active)) { if ($2 == $null) { /query $$1 } if ($2 != $null) { /queryrn $$1 $$2 } } if ($query($active)) { /queryrn $query($active) $$1 } } /r /remote $1 /s { if ($1 == $null) { if ($status == disconnected) { /server } } if ($1 != $null) { if ($chr(46) isin $1) { /server -m $$1 } } } /t { if ($chan) { if ($1 == $null) { /raw -q topic $active : } if ($1 != $null) { /topic $active $chan($active).topic $1- } } if ($active == Status Window) { /titlebar $1- } } /u { /mode $active +u $1 } /v { if ($chan) { if (($1 == $null) && ($me !isvoice $active)) { /chanserv : $+ voice # $me } if (($1 == $null) && ($me isvoice $active)) { /chanserv : $+ devoice # $me } if (($1- != $null) && ($me isop $active)) { if ($1 !isvoice $active) { /.raw mode # + $+ $str(v,$numtok($1-,32)) $1- } if ($1 isvoice $active) { /.raw mode # - $+ $str(v,$numtok($1-,32)) $1- } } if (($1- != $null) && ($me !isop $active)) { if ($1 !isvoice $active) { /chanserv : $+ voice # $1- } if ($1 isvoice $active) { /chanserv : $+ devoice # $1- } } } } /w { if ($left($1,1) != $chr(35)) { /whois $$1 $$1 } if ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { /who $$1 } }